6 tips to improve well-being at home
Feeling comfortable at home is essential for well-being and quality of life, a fact that we are verifying, more than ever, during these days of confinement. Although well-being at home depends on many factors: company and family or affective relationships, personal space or the location of the house, among others; there are steps we can take to find ourselves even better. These are tips of Abbot Crafts to improve well-being at home. Do you dare to share your tricks?
1. The relationship between order and well-being
Marie Kondo already says it, order makes us happier. These days are ideal for reviewing the different rooms of the house and identifying the spaces that could be better organized: closets, storage rooms, sinks, kitchens…. Surely you even discover an object that you did not remember you had!
At this point we should also include cleaning, as it is a good time to go over the corners, dust and disinfect in depth. With background music and a little organization it can be a task in which the whole family collaborates.
2. Green, the color of hope
Plants bring optimism and, contrary to popular belief, if they are chosen with good judgment they help purify the air in the home. When in doubt, it is always better to consult which are the most suitable for interiors and exteriors, as well as which ones we can have in the bedroom to facilitate calm and sleep. If you already have plants in your home, it is a good time to take care of them and review which plants may need a transplant and which plants could be better relocated to give life to new spaces.
3. Recycle and relocate
Along the same lines as the previous point, having to stay at home leaves us more time to DIY or restore furniture. Perhaps you have already tired of that dark piece of furniture and you can give it a new look by painting it white; or who knows if with the pallets from the terrace you can make a table for the dining room. Social networks like Pinterest or Instagram are a great source of inspiration to give your furniture a second life and find a new location for it.
4. The perfume of the home
Often we do not pay enough attention to it, but the sense of smell is very useful, not only to prevent dangers (for example, when we smell burning in the kitchen), but also to improve well-being at home. Along these lines, it is important to ventilate the house well every morning and give it a bit of personality with a perfume that identifies us. We can take the opportunity to light that aromatic candle that they gave us, to dry flowers and make a centerpiece or to get a good natural air freshener or essential oils that perfume the main rooms of the home.
5.Free spaces
Space is a luxury and we do not always need a house with many square meters to have it. From PMP Prêt-à-porter houses we always bet on the creation of open spaces that facilitate flexibility and a feeling of spaciousness in homes. These days are ideal for rethinking the distribution of common spaces such as the kitchen or dining room. After tidying up the house (tip #1), we recommend testing if you can place the sofa, the main table or the larger pieces of furniture in another way to free up space. I am sure that more than ever you will be able to take advantage of the spaces to practice exercises or have more space for children to play during these days.
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6. More savings and more energy awareness
Spending 24 hours at home allows us to raise our level of awareness and it’s a good time to value everything we have and be more responsible on issues as important as energy saving, for example. If you are a handyman, you can take the opportunity to check and repair the locks in the house that do not work completely well and, if not, you can take measures such as: showering using less water, lowering the heating when you go to sleep or putting the dishwasher and washing machine only when it is really necessary and they are full. Perhaps they are tasks that you already do regularly, but these days, more than ever, you have time to carry them out with more attention and awareness.
Take the opportunity to connect with yourself, to take a tour of your house to make it simpler, more useful and welcoming, to enjoy it and so every time you enter you will feel “at home”
If you need to change your world, your life, start with your exterior and you will put your interior in order.
The comfort of our home will make us feel much happier, more at ease, and above all with much more positive energy, because that is what we will give off and that is what the walls of your home will be filled with.
I am Susana Abal, project director of Desde cero Home Staging and I will be delighted to answer your questions.